[EBB Sightings] Glaucous-winged gulls & Common Mergansers in Fremont

[EBB Sightings] Glaucous-winged gulls & Common Mergansers in Fremont

Stephanie Floyd
Fri Nov 16 17:47:44 PST 2007
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    Hundreds of gulls were on and flying over Lake
    Elizabeth in Fremont today.  Most were California and
    ring-billed gulls, but dozens were glaucous-winged
    gulls, and several of the latter were lined up on the
    boat dock next to eight double-crested cormorants.
    Photos of 1) an adult next to a much-smaller dark
    juvenile California gull (and I think that's a 2nd
    winter glaucous-winged with its back to us) and 2)
    three glaucous-winged gulls (1st and 2nd winter, I
    think) with a 1st winter (?) California gull in the
    (Anyone having more insight on these gull IDs, please
    At the Niles staging area along Alameda Creek, the
    common mergansers continue.  Photos of the male and
    one of the three females:
    Stephanie Floyd
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