[EBB Sightings] Summer Camp birds 6/25-6/29/07

[EBB Sightings] Summer Camp birds 6/25-6/29/07

Kay Loughman
Tue Jul 03 19:31:52 PDT 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Yellow-billed Cuckoo

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    Forwarded message from Brian Fitch:
    First, I'll apologize for my delayed postings; there seems to be an 
    intractable problem between my provider and this listserve, something 
    I've been unable to get fixed despite hours of attempting to do so.  
    This only started happening last summer, after six years of having no 
    As for birds of the week (6/25-29), on Monday we climbed Wildcat Peak in 
    Tilden, then made a quick foray through the gate into Wildcat Park 
    proper.  We found a pair of Northern Harriers who are apparently holding 
    territory up there; they were constantly in sight as we explored the 
    ridge, and the male was calling regularly.  Tree Swallows have returned 
    to the nest boxes up there for the first time in many years, and we 
    spotted five Grasshopper Sparrows and two Lark Sparrows.  Tuesday's 
    highlight was a basic plumaged Common Loon, which flew low and directly 
    over us at the Albany Waterfront, bringing a lot of wonder to children 
    who had never experienced this gangly species flying so close to them.  
    On Thursday we scoped for the continuing bayside guillemots, finding 
    several, as well as what appears to be a Pelagic Cormorant nesting on 
    the northern side of the smooth concrete breakwater north of the 
    entrance to the Berkeley Marina.  And Friday brought us another turkey 
    family, a soaring Sharp-shinned Hawk, a hawking Ash-throated Flycatcher, 
    and a male MacGillivray's Warbler, all on or near the top of Vollmer Peak.
    Brian Fitch and crew

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