[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

Bob Richmond
Fri Jul 27 01:27:57 PDT 2007
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    Today at the shoreline -
    At Frank's Dump West the following shorebirds were seen -
       Black=bellied Plover
       Semipalmated Plover
       Snowy Plover
       Black-necked Stilt
       American Avocet
       Greater Yellowlegs - 1
       Whimbrel - 3
       Long-billed Curlew
       Marbled Godwit
       Ruddy Turnstone - 2
       Black Turnstone - 12
       Surfbird - 2
       Red Knot
       Sanderling - 2
       Western Sandpiper
       Least Sandpiper
       Baird's Sandpiper - 4
       Dunlin - 2
       Dowitcher sp. - probably mostly or all Short-billed.
       Wilson's Phalarope - 3
       Red-necked Phalarope
    I arrived here 2 hours before high tide, just after the mudflats had been covered up. Most of the shorebirds were in Frank's Dump West, but some were in Ora Loma Marsh.
    The trail past Ora Loma Marsh will probably be closed on Monday (7/30) and possibly on Tuesday (7/31). The same is true for the trails in Cogswell Marsh.
    The Brant I saw in Ora Loma Marsh one week ago Wed., Peter & Shiela saw near the mouth of Bockman Channell, and I saw along San Lorenzo Creek west of the trail on Tue. was not seen today.
    In the city ponds (east of Mt. Trashmore and Cogswell Marsh) were an estimated 2600 Red-necked Phalaropes.
    Good birding
    Bob Richmond

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