[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon Area - Phainopepla, Sage Sparrow, Bullock's Oriole

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon Area - Phainopepla, Sage Sparrow, Bullock's Oriole

Denise Wight
Sun Jul 01 21:00:19 PDT 2007
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    Hello E. B. Birders,
    Mitchell Canyon (Mount Diablo S.P.) was very pleasant
    this morning, not too hot. Nothing rare to report.   
    Expected species, such as Western Wood-Peewee,
    Ash-throated Flycatcher, and Lesser Goldfinch were
    vocalizing in many places.  I was happy to hear
    Swainson's Thrush singing within the first quarter
    mile of the parking lot.
    I wandered around the top of White Canyon for about
    two hours, photographing habitats and watching three
    Phainopeplas, two males and a female.  At one point
    the males got into a conflict directly above me. The
    female moved around quietly, but I was unable see any
    indication of breeding.  I watched one of the males
    preen for about five minutes, and as he did, he
    relaxed his wings to show the white on the inner
    A female Bullock's Oriole frantically tried to feed
    two young still in a nest, while attending to one that
    had fledged under a poison oak bush nearby.  I never
    saw a male come to the nest to help feed. It appeared
    she was doing all the work herself.
    While walking down White Canyon, I watched a
    bedraggled plumaged Sage Sparrow hop up from the creek
    area and fly back into the chaparral across the road.
    Lots of young birds were out and about, with Steller's
    Jay and Hutton's Vireos still being fed by adults.  
    I encountered 9 people on the trails in a total in six
    hours.  None had binoculars.  Not at all a bad time to
    check out Mitchell Canyon.
    All the Best,
    Denise Wight
    Moraga, CA

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