[EBB Sightings] A few Moraga migrants

[EBB Sightings] A few Moraga migrants

Denise Wight
Sun May 06 08:48:52 PDT 2007
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    Hello E. B. Birders,
    This morning I had migrant wave go through the open
    space below my apartment (behind and above the Rheem
    Theatre). Between 8:05 and 8:30 am I saw or heard the
    following birds:
    Western Tanager
    Bullock's Oriole
    Nashville Warbler
    Orange-crowned Warbler
    Black-headed Grosbeak
    Lazuli Bunting
    One swallow flock directly below me had:
    Northern Rough-winged Swallow
    Barn Swallow
    Tree Swallow
    Violet Green-swallow
    Cliff Swallow
    By 8:30 am it was all over, not one of the migrants
    was seen or heard.? Now I can leave my apartment and
    go birding, as I had planned!
    All the Best Birding,
    Denise Wight
    Moraga, CA

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