[EBB Sightings] Ring neck Pheasant/Lime Ridge

[EBB Sightings] Ring neck Pheasant/Lime Ridge

Sharyn F. Galloway
Sun Mar 11 10:06:15 PDT 2007
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    HI Jane
    I think I'm your neighbor on the other side of the LimeRidge area (between
    Treat and Cowell) that you speak of?  Sorry to not get to meet, yet however
    thought I'd add a few comments on the area via the website (sorry folks,
    just delete, if you're not interested!)...
    I've visited this area off and on, year in and year out, for over 25 years
    now (can't believe it!)
    In particular, the pheasants have always been there, but they've really
    increased in number since the City put in that fenced off area towards the
    "visitor center/classroom" . I agree it's quite exciting to see these
    beauties (even though not native) suddenly fly up when one is on a walk
    along the trails. Also, I guess you've seen the resident coyote; and there
    are  rabbits right next to that cyclone fence area.
    Perhaps of interest is the 'naturally forming' (?) pond areas - two -  in
    the lower side , elevation wise, of the main trail by the visitor center.
    Compacting clay soil, or perhaps receiving irrigation run-off as well?
    Last year was the first year that there's been water all year, including
    summer.   There's been a regular Great Egret (We call him Herbert! Even
    though  I'm not confirming its sex, by anymeans)
    on 3/6/07 1:00 PM, Jane P. Barnes at jpbarnes at astound.net wrote:
    I watched a ring-neck pheasant rushing through the grass on the hillside
    above the Lime Ridge dog park two days ago, March 4. I have seen several of
    these pheasants over the last few months in Lime ridge but usually they are
    flying out of the grass only to land again. One day last November, two pairs
    were flushed out of the hillside along the ?loop trail? so they are at least
    four in the area. I was so overwhelmed the other day as I finally got a
    chance to study the male who had such a beautiful red head. The dogs were
    barking at the hillside while the pheasant sat there hidden. It was so cool?
    I also see an American Kestrel(s) on the wires over the hill above the
    gravel area at the dog park every day. I have seen up to three at a time.
    Another very cool bird.
    Lime Ridge has many access points in the Concord/Walnut Creek area. There is
    an off-leash dog park (with no fences or improvements) off San Miguel and
    Las Montanas where there is a parking lot. I saw the recent bird in the hill
    above the gravel area.
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