[EBB Sightings] another splendid morning at Jewel Lake

[EBB Sightings] another splendid morning at Jewel Lake

Phila Rogers
Wed Sep 13 16:52:15 PDT 2006
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    Dear Birders:
    For the second time this week I joined Emily Strauss for a couple of hours 
    at Jewel Lake.  We didn't have to leave the parking lot before seeing 
    interesting things.  The winter birds are arriving (early, it seems) or are 
    passing through to points south.  A Hermit Thrush was silently feeding on 
    Elderberries, so intent on 'fueling up' that it neither 'twitched' its wings 
    or raised and lowered its tail -- both familiar gestures.  Two immature 
    White-crowned Sparrows worked the upper margins of the lawn.  In the trees 
    and shrubs we saw: Hutton's Vireos, Warbling Vireo, Western Wood-Pewee, the 
    resident Black Phoebes, Yellow, Wilson's, and Townsend's Warblers.  Along 
    the upper Pack Rat Trail we caught a quick glimpse of a Winter Wren and 
    listened to its calls marveling, as usual, that such loud sounds are uttered 
    by such a diminutive bird.
    At the end of our Monday walk Emily saw a Western Tanager feeding in a 
    madrone and early this morning I heard one in my neighborhood.
    Friday's predicted cold front may bring in some interesting migrants.
    Phila Rogers 

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