[EBB Sightings] Eastshore Sunday

[EBB Sightings] Eastshore Sunday

Alan Howe
Tue Aug 01 12:16:48 PDT 2006
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    Hi all.
      Just a quick note. I biked through Berkeley Aquatic
    Park and on up the Bay Trail past the Albany bulb (to
    just short of Costco) on Sunday
      The algae is pretty bad/thick on the north pond  at 
    Aquatic. Egrets were standing sentinal on them along
    with a smaller bird that I think may have been a
    female red-necked phalarope. She stood around and
    pecked a while, then settled down for an apparent nap.
    There were also mallards resting various places
      Up above the bulb there were, among others, stilts,
    egrets--and, near Costco, a long-billed curlew
    tromping around in the brush lots of peeps of various
    sizes, a couple of willets. I was surprised to see a
    fair number of black-bellied plover resting on a
    gravel bar (?)--I'd only seen my first ever they day
    before. After looking  at  Sibley, I'm wondering if I
    might have also seen an American golden plover. If
    anyone goes out that way, I'd be interested in what
    they find.
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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