Sylvia Sykora
Mon Oct 03 14:20:04 PDT 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler at Lakeside Park, Lake Merritt (Oakland)
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    Dear EBB,
    I'm hoping for some elucidation about five (possibly six) hawks seen =
    together on Sunday, October 2, between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m.  The birds =
    were first seen as a group of three which spent about 30 minutes flying, =
    diving, interacting, separating and coming back together, soaring high =
    and then gliding as low as our tree tops, over the southern end of =
    Montclair in Oakland.  I was on the roof and had 360 degree views for =
    most of that time.
    The birds appeared and disappeared, flew back into sight, out of sight =
    behind trees but generally circled in the same very large area, east and =
    south over Redwood Park, west toward the Bay and north over Skyline =
    Blvd.   As two of the original three birds disappeared from view to the =
    west, three more appeared immediately from the south and were, I believe =
    new individuals.=20
    All birds gave an appearance of being very light from below.  They were =
    buteo-shaped but seemed large and heavy.  The "fingers" at the tips of =
    their wings were black.   As they flew low, there was an appearance of a =
    pale buffy band across the chest.   After flying out-of-sight around =
    6:30, one bird flew back into view at 7:00 p.m. and landed atop one of =
    our deodars.  With glasses I could see a finely banded, pale tail.
    Kay Loughman has suggested juvenile Red-taileds.  Their playful =
    behavior, including mimicking courtship flight free falls, makes that an =
    attractive possibility.  Any other ideas?  Did anyone else see this =
    bunch?  And how common  would a group of five or six be when not =
    Thank you for any ideas you may have.
    Sylvia Sykora
    Montclair - near Castle/Skyline
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    hawks seen together on Sunday, October 2, between 5:30 and 7:00 =
    p.m. =20
    The birds were first seen as a group of three which spent about 30 =
    flying, diving, interacting, separating and coming back together, =
    soaring high=20
    and then gliding as low as our tree tops, over the southern end of =
    Montclair in=20
    Oakland.  I was on the roof and had 360 degree views for most of =
    sight, out=20
    of sight behind trees but generally circled in the same very large area, =
    and south over Redwood Park, west toward the Bay and north over Skyline =
      As two of the original three birds disappeared from view to =
    west, three more appeared immediately from the south and were, I believe =
    below.  They were buteo-shaped but seemed large and=20
    heavy.  The "fingers" at the tips of their wings were =
    black. =20
     As they flew low, there was an appearance of a pale =
    buffy band=20
    across the chest.   After flying out-of-sight around 6:30, one bird =
    back into view at 7:00 p.m. and landed atop one of our =
    deodars.  With=20
    glasses I could see a finely banded, pale tail.
    Red-taileds.  Their=20
    playful behavior, including mimicking courtship flight free falls, makes =
    that an=20
    attractive possibility.  Any other ideas?  Did anyone else see =
    bunch?  And how common  would a group of five or six be when =

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