[EBB Sightings] Las Trampas Sparrows

[EBB Sightings] Las Trampas Sparrows

Dennis Braddy
Fri Jul 15 14:18:06 PDT 2005
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    With the departure last week of the Bishop Ranch Regional Preserve 
    Grasshopper Sparrows, this morning I decided to follow up on Michelle 
    Brodie's report of sparrows at Las Trampas Regional Wilderness. From 
    the parking lot I had ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER and BLACK-HEADED 
    GROSBEAK. Ascending Rocky Ridge Rd a WARBLING VIREO sang from one side 
    as a COPPER'S HAWK eyed me from the other. On either side of Rocky 
    Ridge Trail 50 yards beyond where it leaves the pavement of Rocky Ridge 
    Rd and Cuesta Trail forks off, I scoped 5 GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS 
    including 3 juveniles. On Upper Trail 100 yards south of its northern 
    terminus 3 RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROWS including 1 juvenile perched in 
    trailside shrubs. A bit farther south I saw 2 more juvenile Grasshopper 
    Sparrows, apparently no longer accompanied by adults. The song of 
    another Rufous-crowned Sparrow drifted up from somewhere below the 
    trail. At the point where Upper Trail gains the ridgeline 100+ 
    WHITE-THROATED SWIFTS wheeled and called overhead. Occasionally one 
    would dive down and zoom past me at close range. Scattered along my 
    route were 5 LAZULI BUNTINGS.
    Directions and a map: http://www.ebparks.org/parks/lastram.htm
    Dennis Braddy
    San Ramon

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