[EBB Sightings] Indigo Bunting, Kestrels, Burrowing Owls, and a Kite

[EBB Sightings] Indigo Bunting, Kestrels, Burrowing Owls, and a Kite

Brian Zeiler
Mon Jun 06 22:11:01 PDT 2005
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    I went looking for the indigo bunting Saturday and
    Sunday morning - never saw him.  Ran into numerous
    other birders, nobody saw him either.  One hardcore
    birding couple late Sunday morning was very insistent
    that they had heard him calling periodically
    throughout the morning, and I would tend to believe
    them based on their serious scopes and such.  But it
    seems the bird is pretty hit or miss.
    Far more interesting was the active kestrel nest in a
    cavity in the large sycamore on the right about 10
    yards past the second bridge, which is just .10 mile
    in from where the trail starts at the Tamarack
    entrance to Garin.  It's adjacent to the field with
    the indigo bunting.  Ron Wolf pointed this nest out
    last week. Both parents are returning to the nest
    every 15 minutes or so with food - I saw a field mouse
    delivered once, but usually it was large beetles and
    grasshoppers.  They hunt over the grassy ridge.  At
    one point one of the fledglings left the cavity and
    waited for the parent to return with a big beetle,
    walking around cautiously.  Unfortunately they are
    *extremely* difficult to photograph due to their size
    and flight behaviors as well as the thick branches but
    I did manage to get a shot of a food delivery:
    Also, since it hasn't been mentioned in awhile, the
    burrowing owls are easily visible in Dublin almost
    anytime.  At the corner of Dublin Blvd & Tassajara
    Road, on the northeast corner, an owl likes to perch
    on a metal post.  He is there about 75% of the time
    during the day, easily visible at the intersection.  I
    also see a kestrel and a western meadowlark fairly
    regularly over that field, and both enjoy sitting on
    the telephone wires on the eastern edge of Tassajara
    road right across from Peet's coffee in the Waterford
    complex.  On the west edge of the Sybase HQ in Dublin,
    two burrowing owls like to perch on the fence posts,
    behind the white concrete blocks, and on the dirt next
    to the sidewalks.  The auto blind works great for
    these owls.
    At Shadow Cliffs, I am seeing a single white tailed
    kite fairly regularly.  Yesterday he was driven off by
    a very angry red winged blackbird... I was a little
    far, but the photo is still amusing to me anyway:
    Finally, it's not exactly East Bay, but the snowy and
    great egrets and black crowned night herons are
    fledging at the Duck Pond in the Palo Alto Baylands. 
    Makes great entertainment; I have a bunch of new egret
    pics in the bottom half of
    http://www.pbase.com/zeiler/new if you enjoy looking
    at them, along with the requisite mother-and-ducklings
    Have a good week.
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