[EBB Sightings] Mines Rd., San Antonio Valley Rd., Del Puerto Canyon

[EBB Sightings] Mines Rd., San Antonio Valley Rd., Del Puerto Canyon

Les Chibana
Sun May 08 23:46:01 PDT 2005
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    [Apologies for your duplicates due to my crossposting.]
    Today, 5/8/05, my Palo Alto Baylands birding class went, undaunted, 
    into the dripping weather to bird this popular route. We didn't spend 
    too much time along the Mines Rd. section in Alameda County, opting to 
    focus on the area around San Antonio Junction and Del Puerto Canyon.
    The highlights:
    In Alameda County, we found a CANYON WREN singing from an unlikely 
    location, a fence line near the barn with the peafowl beyond and uphill 
    from the bridge at approx. 1-1/8 mi. south of the Del Valle Reservoir 
    turnoff. The area is a grassy hillside.
    In Santa Clara Co., a SWAINSON'S THRUSH was heard singing at MP 24. 
    Near the cattle guard north of the San Antonio Junction, Bell's SAGE 
    SPARROWS were plentiful but shy. A CHIPPING SPARROW was also in the 
    area. LAWRENCE'S GOLDFINCHES were scattered from the fire station to at 
    least 1/4 mi. south of the Junction. A LEWIS'S WOODPECKER was tending a 
    nest near the road, 1/4 mi. south of the Junction; it carried food into 
    the cavity. A second bird flew by but did not stop. A female WOOD DUCK 
    watched over 16 ducklings at the pond on the north end of the dogleg 
    south of the Junction. The only other duck present here was a male 
    MALLARD. At the pond approx. 1 mi. west of the Stanislaus Co. line, a 
    colony of 60-80 TRICOLORED BLACKBIRDS, plus a few bicolored RED-WINGED 
    BLACKBIRDS, were busy around the reeds.
    In Stanislaus Co., the YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT was still present about 1/4 
    mi. east of the entrance to Frank Raines Park. A single GREAT-HORNED 
    OWL roosted in a hole in "Owl/Grafitti Rocks". A SAY'S PHOEBE carried 
    nesting material in this area, as noted for a few years. Near the 
    cattle guard approx. 1 mi. from I-5, a pair of BLUE GROSBEAKS was seen. 
    GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS were heard but not seen.
    LAZULI BUNTINGS and BULLOCK'S ORIOLES were plentiful in various 
    locations. We saw a couple of YELLOW WARBLERS and a WILSON'S WARBLER.
    We did not see any Costa's Hummingbirds, Phainopepla, or Greater 
    Roadrunners. The showers/rain made it difficult to be out of the cars 
    for long stretches of time, but, all in all, it wasn't too bad.
    [We did check the area at MP 24 SCC (Santa Clara County) for the 
    reported Gambel's Quail (East Bay list) but found only paired 
    CALIFORNIA QUAIL the whole day.]
    Les Chibana
    BirdNUTZ(tm) - Ornigasmic Birding
    Palo Alto Baylands Birding Classes
    ph 650-949-4335
    fx 650-949-4137
    snailmail: SR2 Box 335, La Honda CA 94020
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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    [Apologies for your duplicates due to my crossposting.] 
    Today, 5/8/05, my Palo Alto Baylands birding class went, undaunted,
    into the dripping weather to bird this popular route. We didn't spend
    too much time along the Mines Rd. section in Alameda County, opting to
    focus on the area around San Antonio Junction and Del Puerto Canyon. 
    The highlights:
    In Alameda County, we found a CANYON WREN singing from an unlikely
    location, a fence line near the barn with the peafowl beyond and
    uphill from the bridge at approx. 1-1/8 mi. south of the Del Valle
    Reservoir turnoff. The area is a grassy hillside. 
    In Santa Clara Co., a SWAINSON'S THRUSH was heard singing at MP 24.
    Near the cattle guard north of the San Antonio Junction, Bell's SAGE
    SPARROWS were plentiful but shy. A CHIPPING SPARROW was also in the
    area. LAWRENCE'S GOLDFINCHES were scattered from the fire station to
    at least 1/4 mi. south of the Junction. A LEWIS'S WOODPECKER was
    tending a nest near the road, 1/4 mi. south of the Junction; it
    carried food into the cavity. A second bird flew by but did not stop.
    A female WOOD DUCK watched over 16 ducklings at the pond on the north
    end of the dogleg south of the Junction. The only other duck present
    here was a male MALLARD. At the pond approx. 1 mi. west of the
    Stanislaus Co. line, a colony of 60-80 TRICOLORED BLACKBIRDS, plus a
    few bicolored RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS, were busy around the reeds. 
    In Stanislaus Co., the YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT was still present about
    1/4 mi. east of the entrance to Frank Raines Park. A single
    GREAT-HORNED OWL roosted in a hole in "Owl/Grafitti Rocks". A SAY'S
    PHOEBE carried nesting material in this area, as noted for a few
    years. Near the cattle guard approx. 1 mi. from I-5, a pair of BLUE
    GROSBEAKS was seen. GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS were heard but not seen. 
    LAZULI BUNTINGS and BULLOCK'S ORIOLES were plentiful in various
    locations. We saw a couple of YELLOW WARBLERS and a WILSON'S WARBLER. 
    We did not see any Costa's Hummingbirds, Phainopepla, or Greater
    Roadrunners. The showers/rain made it difficult to be out of the cars
    for long stretches of time, but, all in all, it wasn't too bad.
    [We did check the area at MP 24 SCC (Santa Clara County) for the
    reported Gambel's Quail (East Bay list) but found only paired
    CALIFORNIA QUAIL the whole day.] 
    Les Chibana
    BirdNUTZ(tm) - Ornigasmic Birding
    Palo Alto Baylands Birding Classes
    em <
    web <
    ph 650-949-4335
    fx 650-949-4137
    snailmail: SR2 Box 335, La Honda CA 94020

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