[EBB Sightings] Berkeley and Montclair

[EBB Sightings] Berkeley and Montclair

jennifer rycenga
Sun Feb 27 10:31:00 PST 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Sat Feb 26 SF Bay Trail San Leandro to Hayward
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    Saturday, February 26, I had a brief glimpse of the BLACK-THROATED GRAY
    WARBLER in Berkeley's Aquatic Park, as it flew from the pine to the
    eucalyptus near bin 16 of the Frisbee Golf Course.  The Tufted Duck was a
    no-show; numerous other birders searched and, at the time we left (ca. 11:45
    am) no one had found it.  There were a few RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS amongst
    At the Montclair Pond (thanks for the directions), we enjoyed the close-up
    views of the male WOOD DUCK.  It seems to have formed a deep pair-bond with
    a large Mallard-hybrid "funny duck" (the one with a light brown head and
    neck).  Despite a large disparity in size, the Wood Duck fought off another
    Mallard hybrid when it drew close to the Wood Duck's beloved.  Look for even
    funnier ducks come the summer...??
    Jennifer Rycenga
    Half Moon Bay, CA 

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