[EBB Sightings] "Common" Teal at Arrowhead Marsh

[EBB Sightings] "Common" Teal at Arrowhead Marsh

Wed Feb 02 18:16:00 PST 2005
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    This afternoon (2/2) I spotted a "common" teal at Arrowhead Marsh. It was a  
    male mixed in with several green winged teal. It looked just like the  
    illustration in Sibley. There was no white vertical bar and a bold white stripe  was 
    present along the side. The teals were at the end of the pier going into the  
    marsh. Is this a common bird in this area? Also spotted 3 rails chasing each  
    Jerry Bibbey
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    bottomMargin=3D7 leftMargin=3D7 topMargin=3D7 rightMargin=3D7>
    as a=20
    male mixed in with several green winged teal. It looked just like the=20
    illustration in Sibley. There was no white vertical bar and a bold white str=
    was present along the side. The teals were at the end of the pier going into=
    marsh. Is this a common bird in this area? Also spotted 3 rails chasing each=

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