[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh, Nelson's etc.

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh, Nelson's etc.

Sat Jan 08 14:29:01 PST 2005
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    A break in the rain, emerging sunlight, and a very high tide produced
    excellent conditions for viewing the Nelson�s Sharp-tailed Sparrow this
    morning.  Several birders had repeated and uninterrupted looks of 5
    minutes duration.  The bird was seen several times, mostly from the shore
    (especially the rocky patch) but also viewing the other side of the island
    from the pier, both on the ground and perched in brush.
    I have never been to Arrowhead Marsh during such a high tide.  From the
    pier, one could scan the flooded surroundings and count 30 Clapper Rail
    and 3 Sora.   Half the pier was crowded with birds, mostly Willet and
    Marbled Godwit, but also included Clapper Rail (3), Forster�s Terns (2),
    Ruddy Turnstone (1), Black Turnstone (1), and Dowitchers.   A Merlin and
    Northern Harrier flew overhead, and a Red-breasted Loon swam past.  12
    Greater White-fronted Geese were on the lawn.  With their homes flooded,
    dozens of Savannah Sparrow were scampering for cover.
    At the fresh water pond near the entrance, the Eurasian (subspecies)
    Green-winged Teal continues along with 3 Gadwall and many other ducks. 
    Along the paved walking path which leads north along the airport parking
    lot, Loggerhead Shrike, Say�s Phoebe, and 2 dozen foraging American Pipit
    were present.  And an entertaining Peregrine Falcon was pestering all the
    birdies.  No sign of burrowing owl.
    >From one point north of the channel, there were 5 species of Grebe within
    view.  Just a great couple of hours.  And tomorrow's high tide will be
    even higher.
    Patrick King
    Martinez / Berkeley

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