[EBB Sightings] Red Form Fox Sparrow still present in Richmond

[EBB Sightings] Red Form Fox Sparrow still present in Richmond

Richard Cimino
Sat Jan 15 18:03:01 PST 2005
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    This morning at 9:30 AM I re-located the Red Form Fox Sparrow on the
    south side of Meeker Tidal trail in Richmond.
    The "iliaca"  is a handsome large sparrow.
    I first found the bird in a bare tree behind a public blue trash can.
    It later dropped to the shrub area and socialized with the Golden
    I had plenty of viewing time close up too.
    This is a state first for me. I have seen the bird in the spring in and
    around Nome, Alaska.
    It is actually a rusty color more so than red in the spring. 
    The spring rust color against the snow banks along the Kougarok Rd
    outside of Nome makes this sparrow the showiest bird in that area.
    The Meeker Tidal Creek  is rich in Golden Crowns, Sooty Fox Sparrows,
    Cal. Towhees, Hermit Thrushes, Yellow Rumps, Ruby Crown Kinglets,
    Shrikes, several  duck sp and herons, plenty of volume along the trail.
    The Tidal Creek is an interesting area less than a half mile from HY 580
    off of Marine Bay.
    The Creek is managed by Cal Berkeley.
    The creek it is posted for a fetal cat trapping effort beginning Jan.
    17th for Clipper rail protection.
    As I walked the trail I counted 10 cats and small homes and feeding
    bowls along the trail.
    I followed the trail to the bay and a Clapper Rail seen upstream.
    Rich Cimino
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Bob Battagin
    Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 4:12 PM
    To: Sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Red (form) Fox Sparrow
    This morning along the paved trail 
    on the south side of Meeker Tidal 
    Creek in Richmond there was a RED 
    (form) FOX SPARROW feeding with 
    crowned sparrows and our usual 
    brown (aka sooty) form Fox Sparrows 
    in the trail side shrubs across 
    from carport # 176.  The breast and 
    flank streaking on this bird were 
    more a dark brown, not the red 
    color of the tail, rump, and 
    upperparts.  The strong rufous on 
    gray facial pattern, white throat, 
    and faint wing bars were apparent. 
    At low tide a CLAPPER RAIL was 
    about 100 yards upstream from where 
    Meeker Tidal Creek passes under the 
    Bay Shoreline Trail bridge.
    Good birding,
    Bob Battagin
    Oakland, CA 
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