[EBB Sightings] Red (form) Fox Sparrow

[EBB Sightings] Red (form) Fox Sparrow

Bob Battagin
Tue Jan 04 16:15:01 PST 2005
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  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Red Form Fox Sparrow still present in Richmond

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    This morning along the paved trail 
    on the south side of Meeker Tidal 
    Creek in Richmond there was a RED 
    (form) FOX SPARROW feeding with 
    crowned sparrows and our usual 
    brown (aka sooty) form Fox Sparrows 
    in the trail side shrubs across 
    from carport # 176.  The breast and 
    flank streaking on this bird were 
    more a dark brown, not the red 
    color of the tail, rump, and 
    upperparts.  The strong rufous on 
    gray facial pattern, white throat, 
    and faint wing bars were apparent. 
    At low tide a CLAPPER RAIL was 
    about 100 yards upstream from where 
    Meeker Tidal Creek passes under the 
    Bay Shoreline Trail bridge.
    Good birding,
    Bob Battagin
    Oakland, CA 

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