[EBB Sightings] Eastern Contra Costa 10/22

[EBB Sightings] Eastern Contra Costa 10/22

Fri Oct 22 23:00:03 PDT 2004
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    Hi all,
    This morning I hit a few spots in eastern Contra Costa. For the most part 
    they hit me back. But at least the weather was nice.
    Along Vasco Rd. just south of Camino Diablo were 45 Long-billed Curlews.
    At Marsh Creek Res. on Marsh Creek Rd., amongst 36 species, were Virginia and 
    Sora Rails, Common Moorhen (15; a good count here) and a flyover Long-billed 
    Curlew, the first I have had there. Low water levels created habitat for some 
    locally scarce shorebirds, including 10 Black-necked Stilts, 18 Least 
    Sandpipers and 25 Long-billed Dowitchers. Two American Wigeon were the only 
    non-Mallards but as the winter wears on this is often an excellent location to see good 
    numbers of Canvasbacks and Ring-necked Ducks.
    At the golf course pond near the intersection of Balfour and E. Country Club 
    were an imm. Black-crowned Night-Heron, a Common Moorhen, a Sora and 3 male 
    Great-tailed Grackles. There was a female there just before the CBC last year 
    and they are probably in the area all year but I only saw them once in the half 
    hour I was there so they can be missed.
    Clifton Court Forebay near Byron had huge numbers of birds though the variety 
    was a bit lacking. Amongst an est. 11,000 birds were 7,250 American Coots, 
    1735 Ruddy Ducks, 1200 dabbling duck sp., 79 American Wigeon and 20 Bufflehead. 
    Small numbers of Tree Swallows were either foraging over the water or heading 
    south. A flock of 70 Long-billed Curlews was over the east side of the 
    forebay, mostly in San Joaquin Co.
    This spot can be great for Red-breasted Merganser, Surf Scoter, Tufted Duck 
    etc. a little later in the winter but plan on going on a clear day with as 
    little wind as possible to help scoping this large body of water.
    Good birding, 
    Steve Glover
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    =3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Hi all,
    This morning I hit a few spots in eastern Contra Costa. For the most part th= ey hit me back. But at least the weather was nice.
    Along Vasco Rd. just south of Camino Diablo were 45 Long-billed Curlews.
    At Marsh Creek Res. on Marsh Creek Rd., amongst 36 species, were Virginia an= d Sora Rails, Common Moorhen (15; a good count here) and a flyover Long-bill= ed Curlew, the first I have had there. Low water levels created habitat for=20= some locally scarce shorebirds, including 10 Black-necked Stilts, 18 Least S= andpipers and 25 Long-billed Dowitchers. Two American Wigeon were the only n= on-Mallards but as the winter wears on this is often an excellent location t= o see good numbers of Canvasbacks and Ring-necked Ducks.
    At the golf course pond near the intersection of Balfour and E. Country Club= were an imm. Black-crowned Night-Heron, a Common Moorhen, a Sora and 3 male= Great-tailed Grackles. There was a female there just before the CBC last ye= ar and they are probably in the area all year but I only saw them once in th= e half hour I was there so they can be missed.
    Clifton Court Forebay near Byron had huge numbers of birds though the variet= y was a bit lacking. Amongst an est. 11,000 birds were 7,250 American Coots,= 1735 Ruddy Ducks, 1200 dabbling duck sp., 79 American Wigeon and 20 Buffleh= ead. Small numbers of Tree Swallows were either foraging over the water or h= eading south. A flock of 70 Long-billed Curlews was over the east side of th= e forebay, mostly in San Joaquin Co.
    This spot can be great for Red-breasted Merganser, Surf Scoter, Tufted Duck=20= etc. a little later in the winter but plan on going on a clear day with as l= ittle wind as possible to help scoping this large body of water.
    Good birding,
    Steve Glover
    Dublin --part1_27.647d5847.2eab4e22_boundary--

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