[EBB Sightings] Life Bird, Yard Bird

[EBB Sightings] Life Bird, Yard Bird

Dennis Braddy
Fri Oct 22 17:08:00 PDT 2004
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    Soon after Pat and I returned from a west bay foray to view the Sabine's
    Gull, Skip and I departed on our neighborhood Dog-and-Bird-Walk. A lone
    CEDAR WAXWING, a juvenile, was our first of the season. A resting
    RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER was the third in our last two walks. (That
    constitutes an irruption in this part of the suburbs.) But the best bird for
    Skip this afternoon was his latest life bird -- a SAY'S PHOEBE. Though the
    bird put on a good show, Skip seemed more interested in the noisy throng of
    short bipeds exiting buildings on the other side of the phoebe's chain-link
    A few minutes after Skip and I returned from our walk, Pat spotted a
    RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH on the patio. While Pat and I were pretty excited
    about our new yard bird, Skip was bemused by our reaction. After all, hadn't
    we seen two red-breasted nuthatches down the street just a few months ago?
    And what difference does it make where we saw them? I guess Skip just
    doesn't get it.
    Dennis and Patricia Braddy and Skip
    San Ramon

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