East Bay Birders Circle

Archive of the EBbird Mailing List
for August 1998

Messages are in chronological order. E-mail addresses have been removed to foil the spammers' address-gathering robots. Messages have been lightly edited (abbreviations expanded, obvious typing errors corrected, standard style used for bird names, etc.).

List mom on vacation  5 Aug 1998 20:08  Larry Tunstall
Re: Yellow-billed Cuckoo  6 Aug 1998 12:40  Tom Condit
Wandering Tattler  9 Aug 1998 20:43  Steve Glover
What I saw on my summer vacation - NOTE: Not about the East Bay  17 Aug 1998 10:09  Rebecca Freed
Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent  17 Aug 1998 10:13  Rebecca Freed
Re: Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent  17 Aug 1998 13:52  Kay Loughman
Re: Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent  17 Aug 1998 17:31  Tom Condit
Re: Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent  18 Aug 1998 04:48  Joseph Morlan

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