East Bay Birders Circle

Archive of the EBbird Mailing List
for July 1998

Messages are now in chronological order. E-mail addresses have been removed to foil the spammers' address-gathering robots.

Lesser Nighthawk  1 Jul 1998 11:25  Steve Glover
Indigo Bunting  6 Jul 1998 12:54  Steve Glover
Masked Lovebirds  10 Jul 1998 11:54  Mike Feighner
Breeding Bird Atlas, Coyote Hills Regional Park  13 Jul 1998 20:29  Bill Scoggins
Hayward Shoreline  13 Jul 1998 22:31  Larry Tunstall
"Beyond Computers" radio  20 Jul 1998 17:25  Joseph Morlan
Yellow-billed Cuckoo  21 Jul 1998 14:55  Steve Glover
Re: Yellow-billed Cuckoo  21 Jul 1998 21:50  Joseph Morlan
Eastern Wood-Pewee songs now online  22 Jul 1998 09:50  Joseph Morlan
Mountain Lion Near University of California Botanical Garden, Berkeley  27 Jul 1998 09:15  Emilie Strauss
Solitary and Semipalmated Sandpipers  27 Jul 1998 14:38  Mike Feighner
Fwd: Mono Shorebird Count Aug 22  28 Jul 1998 14:57  Doug Shaw
CL: Indigo Bunting  28 Jul 1998 15:40  Steve Glover
MacGillivray's Warbler at Tilden Park  29 Jul 1998 15:59  Doug Greenberg

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