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White-faced Ibis at Coyote Hills Park
Sat, 1 May 1999 15:40:53 PDT
From: Bill Scoggins

Hello Coyote Hills Bird Watchers,

Six White-faced Ibis were seen in the North Marsh at Coyote Hills Regional Park this morning at 9:30 AM. The North Marsh is north of the visitor center and east of the Bayview Trail just before Alameda Creek. Sharing this wonderful experience with me were Rose and Bill Firestone and Bonnie Marzo.

More details about our bird watching today will appear later; I thought it best to get the word out about the ibis ASAP.

Happy Birding,

Bill Scoggins
Castro Valley, CA

What's going on at Coyote Hills?

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Coyote Hills Regional Park
Sat, 1 May 1999 20:44:34 PDT
From: Bill Scoggins

1 May 1999, 8:15-12:30. Coyote Hills Regional Park

Six white-faced ibis were the highlight of the morning; they were in the North Marsh at 9:30 AM. One was seen in the South Marsh at Christmas for a few weeks.

Pied-billed Grebe, 8
Double-crested Cormorant, 1
Great Blue Heron, 1
Great Egret, 2
Snowy Egret, 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron, 2
Turkey Vulture, 4
Mallard, 12
Cinnamon Teal, 5, one pair was courting
Northern Shoveler, 2
Ruddy Duck, 4
White-tailed Kite, 2, one driving off a Red-tailed Hawk
Northern Harrier, 1 male
Sharp-shinned Hawk, 1
Cooper's hawk, 1, being closely pursued by three hummingbirds
Red-tailed Hawk, pair nesting at Hoot Hollow
Ring-necked Pheasant, 3
California Quail, 2 at visitor center
Sora, 1 by voice
American Coot, 9
Killdeer, 2, near visitor center
Black-necked Stilt, 7 at North Marsh
American Avocet, 2 at North Marsh
dowitcher sp., 12 at North Marsh
Forster's Tern, 2
Mourning Dove, 7
Anna's Hummingbird, 1
Allen's Hummingbird, 4
Black Phoebe, 1
Western Scrub-Jay, 5
Tree Swallow, 4
Cliff Swallow, 3
Barn Swallow, 8
Marsh Wren, 16, two building nests
California Thrasher, 1 singing at top of oak in front of visitor center
European Starling, 8, one feeding young at visitor center
Common Yellowthroat, 6, one carried nesting material
Wilson's Warbler, 3
Spotted Towhee, 2 by voice
California Towhee, 5
Song Sparrow, 9
White-crowned Sparrow, 1
Golden-crowned Sparrow, 4 seen and 3 by voice
Dark-eyed Junco, 2 by voice
Black-headed Grosbeak, 1 male
Red-winged Blackbird, 15 males singing in suitable habitat, one female carried nesting material
Brewer's Blackbird, 3
Brown-headed Cowbird, 3
Bullock's Oriole, 1 male House Finch, 5

At Coyote Hills we have continued the breeding birds atlas started for the county. We hope to collect 10 years of data for breeding birds here.

Happy Birding,

Bill Scoggins
Castro Valley, CA

Wetlands Festival

Saturday, May 15, 1999 , Noon - 4 PM. Coyote Hills Regional Park.

Meet local wetlands education representatives and celebrate the importance of wetlands. Nature walks to explore a freshwater marsh. We will staff two tables to "show & tell" about our Tree Swallow project, riparian tree-planting program and help kids build/make "Fly Dragons." For more information call Doc Quack's office, (510) 795-9385, or send e-quack to Doc Quack at


Location: Coyote Hills, Leader: Doc Quack, Theme: Birding, 5/16/99 9 AM -3 PM, Sun. May 16  Beginners welcome!

Discover the ecology of wetland birds; see what the stork has brought to avian moms. Fee: $20 (non-res. $22). Reg. Required: (510) 636-1684 (event #2793)

Red-shouldered Hawk information wanted
Sun, 2 May 1999 06:25:16 PDT
From: Bill Scoggins

Laurey Hemenway, California State University, Hayward, student is seeking information about Red-shouldered Hawks in southern Alameda County. She wants to locate and study Red-shouldered Hawks in urban settings. Specifically she wants to know the locations of nesting red-shouldereds and locations where they perch.

Contact her at Ardenwood Historic Farm with e-mail:

Or Phone: (510) 796-0663

Happy bird watching,
Bill Scoggins
Castro Valley, CA

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