[EBB Sightings] Sycamore Grove yesterday

[EBB Sightings] Sycamore Grove yesterday

The Arthurs
Wed Mar 10 07:59:45 PST 2010
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    Hi. Sycamore Grove was rather windy and cold and unproductive yesterday, but 
    still had a few nice birds. The best were some early spring migrant 
    swallows: two Northern Rough-winged and two Violet-green. An Osprey was seen 
    carrying a fish face-forward over the park, and later perched in a tree near 
    the creek. Also interesting were a small flock of Lark Sparrows at the 
    horse-trailer parking lot, landing only a short distance up in a tree and 
    giving me great views. There were also all the regular Bay Area park 
    commoners, such as Red-shouldered Hawks, Northern Flickers, Nuttall's and 
    Downy Woodpeckers, Mallards, Western Bluebirds, Bewick's Wrens, both 
    subspecies of Yellow-rumped Warbler, a single Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit 
    Thrushes, a single Spotted Towhee, and both Zonotrichia sparrows.
    Noah Arthur, Oakland 

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