[EBB Sightings] This morning at Jewel Lake

[EBB Sightings] This morning at Jewel Lake

Phila Rogers
Fri Mar 05 13:41:35 PST 2010
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    Dear Birders:
    A good-sized group showed up at the parking lot this morning.  And no wonder.  It was the first mild, rainless day in awhile.  However, the birds were not particularly abundant in numbers or species.  But we were greeted with good views of a Red-shouldered Hawk high in a eucalyptus who called attention to himself with his persistent calls.  Along the way we had frequent views of Ruby-crowned Kinglets who appeared even more active than usual and sang continuously -- both sure signs that this well-loved winter resident will soon be leaving us.
    Above the ridgeline to the west, we watched a likely Sharp-shinned Hawk beneath a swirl of White-throated Swifts.
    At the lake, a number of buffleheads, male and female, are still in residence along with three Common Mergansers.  The male was stunning with his bright white undersides, black head and neck shimmering iridescent green, and his bright orange slender bill.
    Other years we have heard early season singing Orange-crowned Warblers, but not today.  We did get good looks at an Allen's Hummingbird which is one of the earliest-arriving breeding birds.
    Next month, we hope to have the new Tilden and Wildcat Canyon bird list available -- an authoritative list of what to see in every season put together by Dave Quady with contributions from other expert birders in the area. 
    --Phila Rogers

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