[EBB Sightings] American Bittern and Ferruginous Hawk continue

[EBB Sightings] American Bittern and Ferruginous Hawk continue

Mary Krentz
Sun Feb 28 15:56:10 PST 2010
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] American Bittern and Ferruginous Hawk continue
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    > Today about 2:00 pm  at Pacific Linear Park off Auto Mall Parkway, we
    > observed the American Bittern. I flushed it by walking at the far
    > northwestern end near a platform with placards that are covered. It flew
    > East and landed just by the cement culvert in the southeastern corner of 
    > the
    > marsh right by the paved trail. It remained there in very clear view for 
    > the
    > 30 to 40 minutes more we were there. The characteristic flight was slow 
    > and
    > low with its yellow  legs sticking out behind it.
    > We also saw the ferruginous hawk perched at the far southwestern end. It
    > flew up into the nearby power line towers.
    > There was also a female common merganser swimming and there were 12 
    > Aleutian
    > Cackling geese in the field to the south mixed in with a Canada geese 
    > group.
    > Gadwall, Cinnamon teal and American Wigeon were also present.
    > The best access is to drive the end of the industrial park on Auto Mall
    > Parkway and park just beyond where there are no more "no parking" signs. 
    > You
    > can park on the shoulder and there is an entrance to the park walkway 
    > right
    > there. You will then walk up to the marsh in a few minutes.
    > Mary Krentz

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