[EBB Sightings] RE: Alameda County: Bald Eagle

[EBB Sightings] RE: Alameda County: Bald Eagle

Thu Dec 17 22:58:49 PST 2009
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    Greetings  EBB's,                                                           
                                                 11  Dec. 2009
    Today at Del Valle State Recreation Area, near Livermore, I found the  
    Wintering adult Bald Eagle. This was a preview of tomorrow's Lindsay Wildlife  
    Museum Bird Trip.  Rain was infrequent, at least in the afternoon, but  heavy 
    overcast and some fog.
    An Osprey perched on a pole (a series of what appear to be 6 - 7 15+/- ft.  
    perch poles). A double-crested Cormorant was on another, and a Great Egret 
    on  another, shorter). These were seen from the near the Boat Ramp  picnic 
    and parking areas.  A group of 5 American White  Pelicans were along a muddy 
    shoreline (the water level is still quite  low).  The only ducks seen from 
    here were 5 Buffleheads. Aechmophorus and  Pied-billed Grebes were also 
    present. Notable for me were 2 different Hairy  Woodpeckers.  Too many European 
    Starlings were noisily calling in the  Campground, reminding me of the risk 
    they pose to the also calling Acorn  Woodpeckers.
    At 4:08 p.m.the Bald Eagle soared over me, heading south, just skimming the 
     low ridge above (west of) the gravel equestrian trailer parking area, 
    above the  Camping Area, in the back (south) part of the Park.  Here the  road 
    drops into the Arroyo Del Valle, Valley, along which one can walk to  the 
    Cattle Company (private) gate - good chaparral habitat.  I finally  could see 
    the white head and tail as it dropped out of the sky to below the  horizon, 
    making it and adult bird.  No tags or wire(s)  were  discernable, but viewing 
    conditions were far from perfect.  Interestingly,  it was headed back up 
    the very canyon the summering pair are supposed to have  nested (ca. 7 miles), 
    after abandoning the first nest site in Gray Pine opposite  Hetch Hetchy 
    Group Camp. I had 35 species in the couple of hours checking things  out.  It 
    looks like an Umbrella Walk tomorrow (if the winds hold  off).
    Happy Holiday Season and Good Birding,
    Phil Gordon
    Hayward, ALA Co.
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