[EBB Sightings] Oakland Christmas Bird Count, December 20

[EBB Sightings] Oakland Christmas Bird Count, December 20

Dave Quady
Mon Nov 16 13:58:36 PST 2009
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    Hello, Bay Area Birders:
    The Oakland Christmas Bird Count will be held on Sunday, December 20,  
    and we'd like to invite birders all around the bay area to take  
    part . . . unless, of course, you're committed to your local CBC that  
    Past participants have already received an email invitation to take  
    part again this year, and many have already signed up.  Won't you  
    join them?  You'll have a chance to sample the bird life in an area  
    that fits your interests and abilities, under the leadership of an  
    experienced birder.  At the end of the day you can attend the count  
    dinner, to learn what birds others have found, and where.  A rarity  
    or two usually turns up, so learning of them on the day of discovery  
    can help you see them, too.  Besides, the food is good, and the  
    company is even better.
    Golden Gate Audubon Society sponsors the Oakland count, and hosts  
    this sign-up page:
    There you can also download a form to sign up for the Oakland count  
    dinner (only $10 this year!), volunteer to help at that dinner, or  
    make the same selections for the December 29 San Francisco CBC, also  
    sponsored by GGAS.
    If you have any questions, please contact me:
    Dave Quady, co-compiler (with Bob Lewis) of the Oakland CBC
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net
    PS:  Hope to see you at the count!
    And apologies for cross-posting.

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