[EBB Sightings] White-throated Sparrow and Wood Ducks in Heather Farm--Walnut Creek

[EBB Sightings] White-throated Sparrow and Wood Ducks in Heather Farm--Walnut Creek

Hugh and Rosita Harvey
Sat Nov 14 21:11:09 PST 2009
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    Unable to go on the Mt. Diablo Audubon field trip to the Davis area for 
    raptors and other birds today, I did make a quick trip to Heather Farm in 
    the morning.  The White-throated Sparrow is still in a mixed sparrow flock 
    at the south end of the equestrian area.  Up to 20 sparrows come out of the 
    coyote brush onto the gravel service road early before too much pedestrian 
    and dog traffic.
    At the large pond, three Wood Ducks were on the bank near the large oak tree 
    on the west side of the pond.  They entered the water as soon as I 
    approached on the walking/bicycle trail.  The adult pair are accompanied by 
    what I would call a teenager male.  This younger bird is just coming into 
    his adult plumage.
    Several have told me the Wood Ducks like to be out on the open water early, 
    but by 8:30 or 9 AM, look for them in the extreme southwest corner under the 
    overhanging branches.
    In 1982, and for several years after, a female Wood Duck lived in the large 
    pond by herself.  Apparently she was content to have the company of the 
    resident Mallards and the wide variety of winter ducks we used to see here.
    This is not too different from the male Wood Duck who, in the late 60s lived 
    in the pond adjacent to the Music Building at Diablo Valley College.  That 
    pond is totally open with no overhanging branches anywhere.  He was just 
    content to hang out with us college folk of the time.  Had he ever attended 
    his classes, he would have attained a "higher education" and flown away. 
    Then again, it was the 60s and maybe he received a higher education of a 
    different sort.
    Hugh B. Harvey
    Walnut Creek 

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