[EBB Sightings] Today's field trip at Jewel Lake

[EBB Sightings] Today's field trip at Jewel Lake

Phila Rogers
Fri Nov 06 18:10:33 PST 2009
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    Dear Birders,
    This morning's first-Friday-of-the-month walk to Jewel Lake probably had the fewest birds and one of the biggest groups of fine birders in my several years of leading the trip.  It was calm, and though overcast, the light was good.  With the big group (at least 20) we decided to avoid our usual route along the narrow Upper Pack Rat trail  Instead we struck out along the fire road and took a loop east (Laurel Canyon?) that circles back down to the main road close to Jewel Lake.  The habitat is promising with grassy openings, a tall, thinning stand of old Monterey Pines with an understory of half-grown live oaks, bay, and laurel.  But few birds.  We did see and glimpse winter residents like Hermit Thrush and Ruby-crowned Kinglet, heard Bewick's Wren variations, Flickers calling, and one brief Song Sparrow song. 
    Almost back at the lake we caught up with Laz, aged 6 years, our youngest birder, with his mom and dad.  He led us to the shore (while toting the big-sized Sibley) where he pointed out a lone male Bufflehead.  Dave Quady and Laz had a chance to talk about owling plans for the December Christmas Count when Laz plans on being one of the owlers.
    While lounging around the bench at the water's edge, we saw an accipiter circling above the ridge which most thought was a Sharp-shinned Hawk with Russ Wilson (once the GGAS field trip coordinator -- among other things) holding out for a Cooper's.
    A slow day for sure, but as always deeply refreshing just to be out.  A sudden gust of wind shattered the calm water and within minutes of returning to our cars, it began to drizzle.
    --Phila Rogers

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