[EBB Sightings] Two Burrowing Owls have arrived!

[EBB Sightings] Two Burrowing Owls have arrived!

Mon Oct 12 21:33:09 PDT 2009
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    Great news ? two?Western Burrowing Owls have?arrived at?Cesar?Chavez?Park. One?is behind the newly installed fence, which was put up on Friday during a docent training activity. The other is in the northern part of the park. 
    A docent schedule for October ? March will be posted shortly.
    Cesar?Chavez?Park?is located at the Berkeley Marina, turn right at the split (very bottom of?University Ave). Then park at the end of the road. The fenced off area (and owl) is located at the north east corner of the park ? directly across from Golden Gate Fields race track and the newly installed Tom Bates Sports Complex.
    Della Dash ?
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