[EBB Sightings] Fwd sighting: Olive-sided Flycatcher in Oakland
[EBB Sightings] Fwd sighting: Olive-sided Flycatcher in Oakland
Sat Oct 24 21:09:08 PDT 2009
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Hi all;
I'm forwarding this for Mark Rauzon:
Today around noon, an Olive-sided Flycatcher was seen in Dimond Park, Oakland, around the tot lot, flycatching from a dead alder snag. Vest, white rump tufts and large head field marks were seen. This is my last of season sighting (los). Very last to see one, should be in South America or Central America by now.
-Dimond Park is accessed by taking either Hwy 13 or 580 to Park Blvd in Oakland. Turn south on El Centro and park at the end of the street near Sausal Creek, and walk into Dimond Park. The Tot Lot is across the lawn to the left, past the swimming pool.
Pat Bacchetti
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