[EBB Sightings] Baird's Sandpiper Middle Harbor RP

[EBB Sightings] Baird's Sandpiper Middle Harbor RP

Tue Aug 04 15:06:51 PDT 2009
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    Today at 1 PM, just as the high tide was receding, a single Baird's Sandpiper was foraging above a mixed flock of Western Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers.  The birds were on the beach past the first breakwater, as you're heading down to the observation tower and Inner Harbor.  It's opposite a 15 MPH sign. There were also Black-Bellied Plovers, Willets, and Long-billed Curlews in various spots. A recently- dead Common Murre was on the beach.
    Terns were too far away to call-there were a few Forster's flying, and Least's nearer the Inner Harbor.  I was unable to find any Elegant Terns at Alameda or Middle Harbor today.
    Good birding,
    Pat Bacchetti

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