[EBB Sightings] Fw: Contra Loma/Pt. Isabel and Bay trail 6/27/09

[EBB Sightings] Fw: Contra Loma/Pt. Isabel and Bay trail 6/27/09

Dominik Mosur
Mon Jun 29 09:33:12 PDT 2009
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    (sorry for the belated report, tried sending it out Sat. night but it wouldn't post)
      I headed out to Contra Loma Regional
     Park and birded it from around 12:30-2 p.m while acquiring a
     nice farmer's tan in the stifling heat.
     As reported by the Schorrs, Burrowing Owls were very
     conspicous near the entrance sign as were an American
     Kestrel and Western Kingbird.
     I then spent most of my time on Loma Island where of
     interest were Common Yellowthroats (2males, 1 female), an
     Ash-throated Flycatcher, Common Moorhen (w 2 tiny chicks),
     Green Heron (3), Song Sparrow.
     Also seen were two adult Cooper's Hawks near the
     nest, Western Bluebirds, Lesser Goldfinches. Barn Owls were
     a no show, probably ducking out of sight in the heat.
     On the way home I stopped off at Point Isabel. No sign
     of Murres or Brandt's Cormorants but there were good
     numbers of returning shorebirds in the marsh along the Bay
     Trail north of the Pt. and going toward Shimada (Shimano?) Park:
    Willet(200+), Long-billed Curlew (25-30), Marbled
    Godwit (40+), Western Sandpiper (17, in worn alt. plumage), Semipalmated   Plover (15), Black-bellied Plover (2), Dowticher sp. (alt. plumage, sleeping tight not allowing to be IDed to species) plus the resident avocets and
    Didn't see or hear any rails but did have a
    fly-over Osprey and Caspian (2) and Forster's (6a 1j)
     Some apparently oversummering ducks included a Surf Scoter (m) and Greater Scaup (2m 2m) off the jetty north of
     the dog park along with the Western and Clark's
    Among the Cliff Swallows overhead there were also at least (2) White-throated Swifts and (2) Northern Rough-winged Swallows
     Dominik Mosur
     San Francisco

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