[EBB Sightings] Pewees in Hayward

[EBB Sightings] Pewees in Hayward

Fri May 01 15:41:21 PDT 2009
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    I stopped for about an hour at the May Ave. entry point for the High Ridge Trail in Hayward. (May Ave. is basically Whipple Ave. east of Mission Blvd.) There were 4 WESTERN WOOD-PEWEES calling, 2 on each side of May Trail along Dry Creek. In the Dry Creek Meyers garden there were 2 BROWN CREEPERS. Opposite the gardens, on the north side of May Trail, were at least 3 BAND-TAILED PIGEONS moving around in a large cottonwood tree (at least I think it was a cottonwood).
    Before the rains strengthened I walked up the lower trail towards Garin Park a little ways. A pair of Hooded Orioles were flying back & forth from the residential area to the trees around the creek. Wilson's Warblers were abundant & several Bullock's Orioles were calling & visible. The nesting White-tailed Kites were also vocal.
    On my return to the parking lot at May St. I heard a different sort of bird call on the creek around the gate & foot bridge. It had a 2 part call, the first part being more of a strike/chip intro to a higher, burry "whee". The tonal quality & pitch were very similar to the Pewees', but it never made any Pewee calls that I know of. I thought of the possibility of a Black Phoebe, but the call was more Pewee like with that burry quality. The pace of the 2 syllables was also much slower than a Bl. Phoebe. Could it have been another call of the Pewees? If not, suggestions appreciated.
    Joe Devine
    Modesto, Ca

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