[EBB Sightings] EBRPD walk in Sunol Park

[EBB Sightings] EBRPD walk in Sunol Park

anthony fisher
Mon Apr 27 18:40:27 PDT 2009
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    Proceed to the last parking area and walk through the gate. After
    crossing the vehicle bridge on Camp Ohlone Road, there are some
    corrals on your left. The area was alive with birds! Many were
    visiting a water trough there. A few Highlights:
    Lawrence's goldfinch- pair
    Bullocks Oriole- 2 male and a female
    Chipping Sparrow- great views
    Lincolns Sparrow- 2
    Lazuli Bunting
    There were about 20 species in this one area.
    Later, a Nashville Warbler was seen in the area of the footbridge by Interp HQ.
    Anthony Fisher

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