[EBB Sightings] Brown Thrasher continues at Coyote HIlls.

[EBB Sightings] Brown Thrasher continues at Coyote HIlls.

D Weber
Mon Mar 09 11:34:23 PDT 2009
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    Hi Birders-
    I arrived at said spot early. First 30 minutes - nothing. Then the Brown 
    Thrasher popped up at 8:05 in the poison ivy-covered tree and provided good 
    views for a few minutes and disappeared. I checked back a few times over the 
    next hour and a half but no thrasher. I walked up to the tree at 9:45 and 
    heard what sounded like the song of an extremely distant California 
    Thrasher. But it was the Brown Thrasher 15 feet in front of me singing with 
    its bill closed. Again the view was very good but the bird disappeared. It 
    continued to sing but I didn't see it again. From the Patterson Ranch 
    entrance road park in the first large lot on the left side of the road. Walk 
    or drive to the end. There is a greenish gate at the end, not the one 
    mentioned in the post to EBB yesterday. Get on the paved trail and you'll 
    see the gate mentioned. The thrasher trees and poison oak are right there on 
    the left. Also at Coyote Hills were the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on the 
    hillside above the end of the parking lot and a male Blue-winged Teal on the 
    pond across from the visitor center.
    Dave Weber,

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