[EBB Sightings] Fwd: eBird Report - Coyote Hills Regional Park , 3/30/09

[EBB Sightings] Fwd: eBird Report - Coyote Hills Regional Park , 3/30/09

Laurie Graham
Mon Mar 30 20:26:14 PDT 2009
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    Location:     Coyote Hills Regional Park
    Observation date:     3/30/09 8:35 am - 2:50 pm
    Laurie Graham, Jeff Fairclough, Elisabeth Koster
    We knew we wouldn't get the Brown Thrasher or the Black Rail, as too much time has passed since their sightings, but Elisabeth had never been to Coyote Hills. The weather was sunny and windyand the park was spring green. We saw the Great Horned Owl on nest in Hoot Hollow. Walked up Glider Hill and saw the Chilean Flamingo in the bay. Walked up Red Hill for Rock Wren. Took the Nike Trail to Bayview to Lizard Rock Trail, where we met Alice Houk. We began spotting Wilson's Snipe on an island of flattened reeds, four at first, eventually 17. We continued to Dust to look at the Tree Swallows checking out their nest boxes, then to Muskrat through the marsh back to the Visitors' Center. Drove to the Quarry Staging area and out to South Marsh and the Meadowlark Trail. There were Marsh Wrens everywhere, and we found a nest.
    Number of species:     60
    Canada Goose     57
    Gadwall     15
    American Wigeon     37
    Mallard     96
    Cinnamon Teal     16
    Northern Shoveler     220
    Northern Pintail     16
    Green-winged Teal     34
    Canvasback     5
    Bufflehead     6
    Ruddy Duck     63
    Pied-billed Grebe     4
    Western Grebe     1
    American White Pelican     3     1 with breeding knob
    Great Blue Heron     2
    Great Egret     11
    Snowy Egret     2
    Black-crowned Night-Heron     4
    Turkey Vulture     6
    White-tailed Kite     1
    Northern Harrier     5
    Red-tailed Hawk     6
    American Coot     78
    Killdeer     5
    Black-necked Stilt     27
    Wilson's Snipe     21
    California Gull     57
    Mourning Dove     9
    Great Horned Owl     1     on nest
    Anna's Hummingbird     6
    Allen's Hummingbird     1
    Northern Flicker     1
    Black Phoebe     8
    Western Scrub-Jay (Coastal)     11
    Common Raven     6
    Tree Swallow     76
    Northern Rough-winged Swallow     3
    Barn Swallow     13
    Bushtit     6
    Rock Wren     1
    House Wren     2
    Marsh Wren     21
    Hermit Thrush     2
    American Robin     4
    European Starling     42
    Yellow-rumped Warbler     18
    Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)     1
    Wilson's Warbler     1
    California Towhee     3
    Song Sparrow     9
    White-crowned Sparrow     16
    Golden-crowned Sparrow     23
    Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)     6
    Red-winged Blackbird (Bicolored)     4
    Western Meadowlark     8
    Brewer's Blackbird     12
    Bullock's Oriole     2
    House Finch     3
    Lesser Goldfinch     2
    American Goldfinch     1
    This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org/california/)

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