[EBB Sightings] Surfbirds and Bluebirds-SF Bay Trail-Berkeley to Richmond

[EBB Sightings] Surfbirds and Bluebirds-SF Bay Trail-Berkeley to Richmond

kathy jarrett
Sat Feb 07 16:53:50 PST 2009
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    ESSP and Aquatic Park GGAS Bicycle Trip
    Berkeley to Richmond on the SF Bay Trail
    Saturday, February 7, 2009
    The Black-crowned Night Herons were in the willows on the southern pond at Aquatic Park, and Hooded and Red-breasted Mergansers on the main pond. About 1/2 mile south of University Ave on the SF Bay Trail were Surfbirds amongst the Willets. At the Berkeley Meadow we had a large group of Western Bluebirds just beyond the gate across from the Sea Breeze Market at University and the freeway frontage road. From the hill behind the race track we spotted a Pelagic Cormorant on the decrepit pier. At Buchanan St we saw our first Am. Wigeons and at Central Ave we saw our first Green-winged Teals. We found the Ravens on the northern section of the trail beyond Meeker Slough in Richmond. At Marina Bay we found a Spotted Sandpiper on the rocky shore. Returning south we saw Greater Yellowlegs east of Rydin Rd just north of Central Ave. Seven of us ignored threats of rain and enjoyed a quite beautiful day. 59 species seen:
    Horned Grebe
    Eared Grebe
    Brown Pelican
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Pelagic Cormorant
    Great Blue Heron
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret
    Black-crowned Night-Heron
    Canada Goose
    Green-winged Teal
    Northern Pintail
    Northern Shoveler
    American Wigeon
    Lesser Scaup
    Common Goldeneye
    Hooded Merganser
    Red-breasted Merganser
    Ruddy Duck
    Turkey Vulture
    Red-tailed Hawk
    American Coot
    Black-necked Stilt
    American Avocet
    Greater Yellowlegs
    Spotted Sandpiper
    Marbled Godwit
    Least Sandpiper
    Long-billed Dowitcher
    Ring-billed Gull
    California Gull
    Herring Gull
    Western Gull
    Forster's Tern
    Rock Pigeon (I)
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Black Phoebe
    American Crow
    Common Raven
    Western Bluebird
    American Robin
    European Starling (I)
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    California Towhee
    Song Sparrow
    Golden-crowned Sparrow
    White-crowned Sparrow
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Brewer's Blackbird
    House Finch

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