[EBB Sightings] Oakland CBC Results, December 14, 2008

[EBB Sightings] Oakland CBC Results, December 14, 2008

Dave Quady
Mon Dec 15 10:15:55 PST 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Juvenile Bald Eagle Sighting
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Harris's Sparrow

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    Bay Area Birders (with apologies for cross-posting):
    In yesterday's challenging weather, the 180+ participants in  
    Oakland's 68th annual CBC reported 173 species (about five below our  
    recent average), with a few areas'  results not yet available.   
    Another fine compilation dinner rounded out our day.
    Oakland's Count Week extends from Thursday, Dec 11 through Wednesday,  
    Dec 17.  As always, we missed a few regularly occurring species on  
    Count Day.  Please let us know if you locate, or learn of, any of the  
    following species in our count area during count week:
    Pacific Loon
    Bald Eagle
    Barn Owl
    Several unusual species were reported.  All of the following were in  
    Alameda County unless indicated otherwise.  Details have not yet been  
    reviewed by our CBC's rare birds committee.
    2 Snow Geese on a soccer pitch on Treasure Island, SF
    2 Long-tailed Ducks offshore the USS Hornet Museum in Alameda, and  
    another on the bay north of the Bay Bridge
    2 Snowy Plovers in Alameda's Robert Crown Memorial State Beach,  
    between Sunset Road and Grand Street
    Several Surfbirds at the end of the Albany bulb in Eastshore State  
    Park at high tide
    20 Tree Swallows over Lafayette Reservoir, CCC
    Townsend's Solitaire near Jewel Lake in Tilden Regional Park, CCC.   
    Found on December 7, and chosen as the count's Best Bird.
    Nashville Warbler in bottlebrush at the intersection of Rydin Road  
    and Central Avenue in Richmond, CCC
    Yellow Warbler near the pond in the small public park at the  
    intersection of Swan Way and Doolittle Drive, Oakland
    Palm Warbler in Estuary Park, Oakland, likely last year's bird  
    returning for another winter
    Black-headed Grosbeak visiting a feeder on Peralta Avenue, Berkeley.  
    birders interested in seeing this bird may call Mr. and Mrs. Collier  
    at 510-524-2671
    Unusual species found during count week, but not yesterday, included  
    a Red-necked Grebe off the Bay Bridge toll plaza, and immature Bald  
    Eagle at Washington Park in Alameda on Saturday (reported on EBB) and  
    two Blue-gray Gnatcatchers in Tilden Regional Park.
    Finally, a bird seen briefly along Skyline Boulevard near the ALA/CCC  
    county line was initially thought to be a Veery.  Veery is a rare  
    bird in California, with only 11 reports accepted by the California  
    Bird Records Committee (CBRC) through 2006.  None of these occurred  
    later in the year than 5 November.  Veery is very difficult to  
    distinguish from other Catharus thrushes; indeed, the CBRC has felt  
    that the bird's actual identification was not established in about  
    70% of the Veery reports that it has reviewed. Hermit Thrush, very  
    common here in winter, is highly variable, and is likely the subject  
    of the Skyline observation.  Those interested in trying to relocate  
    the Skyline bird may contact David Erdreich at Cloudman.1 at juno.com   
    The CBRC's fine book, Rare Birds of California, is invaluable in  
    understanding the status and distribution of California's bird life.   
    for more information.
    Co-compiler Bob Lewis and I thank everyone who contributed to the  
    success of Oakland's 68th annual CBC, and invite you all to  
    participate next year.  Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 20,  
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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