[EBB Sightings] Hayward scouting

[EBB Sightings] Hayward scouting

Debbi Brusco
Mon Dec 08 20:41:45 PST 2008
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    Today I scouted for the CBC next weekend with a couple of birding 
    friends. Besides what you might expect:
    At Lone Tree Cemetery, a Red-breasted Sapsucker ate juniper berries from 
    the trees along Hansen. Multiple owl pellets were beneath the palm also 
    on that side. A Cooper's Hawk and Western Bluebirds also appeared.
    Don Castro gave us another Red-breasted Sapsucker in a tree at the far 
    corner of the lawn to the left of the restrooms at the swim lagoon. A 
    Green Heron, female Hooded Merganser, male Canvasback, female 
    Bufflehead, male Gadwall, a Ruddy Duck and quite a few Ring-necked Ducks 
    were at the marshy end of the lake. A few Hutton's Vireos gave their 
    "laughing" call, and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet gave a short, soft burst of 
    song near the Ridge Top area walking near the lake. Harold spotted a 
    Golden-crowned Kinglet, then I saw one in a different direction from 
    where he and Kay were looking.
    At Five Canyons Shady Canyon Trail not too far down, six turkeys flew at 
    tree level from the hill on the right, across the trail about 40-50' in 
    front of us. They managed to disappear by the time we got down there, 
    but we could still hear them giving little calls. On the way back under 
    the overpass, we heard White-throated Swifts.
    Debbi Brusco

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