[EBB Sightings] Garretson Pt, Oakland

[EBB Sightings] Garretson Pt, Oakland

Laura Look
Sun Nov 02 16:00:16 PST 2008
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    We spent this morning (Sun, Nov. 2) dodging Raiders fans at Martin 
    Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline in Oakland.
    In the Garretson Point area, following the trail east along Damon 
    Slough, ducks in the second pond included a male BLUE-WINGED TEAL 
    (plus a likely female by bill shape).  Following the trail further, 
    past (not over) the pedestrian bridge, we found a large flock of 
    White-crowned Sparrows which included a few Golden-crowns, a 
    Unfortunately, we only had a brief look at the probable Swamp 
    Sparrow, but my husband swears there was a good deal of rufous on the 
    wings when it flew.  I missed the sparrow's flight, but had seen dark 
    streaking on the head and a white mustache.  The bird was very 
    skulky.  It was seen about 10:30 am.  This may be the same bird seen 
    previously in the restroom area, and those searching for that bird 
    may want to try seeking out the sparrow flock up the trail.
    Other birds of interest included a Cooper's Hawk, our FOS Say's 
    Phoebe, and our FOS Fox Sparrow.
    We stopped at Arrowhead Marsh before high tide and stuck around just 
    long enough to see our requisite Clapper Rail.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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