[EBB Sightings] Friday's field trip to Jewel Lake

[EBB Sightings] Friday's field trip to Jewel Lake

Phila Rogers
Fri Nov 07 18:05:44 PST 2008
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    Dear Birders:
    On this exquisite late fall morning with the air and vegetation refreshed by the recent rains, 20 of us gathered at the parking lot. Retired head naturalist Alan Kaplan and birder extraordinaire, Dave Quady, joined us. As usual, some of the best birding of the morning was in the shrubs and trees that edge the lawn. The big elderberry and higher trees above yielded up a number of birds including a colorful pair of Townsend's Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and a Hermit Thrush who obligingly posed in full view so we could admire his speckled chest, eye ring and handsome 'mustache.' The group of Douglas firs was equally productive.  Dave managed to 'pluck' out of the dense foliage a Golden-crowned Kinglet. Robins and Cedar Waxwings occupied the highest branches, and lower down in the shade, a Varied Thrush showed itself briefly and sounded its haunting call.
    In the tall pines north of the Environmental Center we had good looks at a Nuttall's and Hairy Woodpecker, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and a Brown Creeper.
    Jewel Lake itself, a month ago shrunken away from its shore, once again was a 'lake' though brown with silt.  The winter waterbirds have not yet arrived.
    At 10:30, with the temperature nearing 70 degrees, a small group of us lingered, unwilling to surrender what may well be the last truly warm day for the season.    
    - Phila Rogers
    For those who are interested in accessing the books Dave mentioned, you may email me for the information

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