[EBB Sightings] Coyote Creek Trail Raptors

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Creek Trail Raptors

Charles Woodrum
Thu Nov 27 10:41:32 PST 2008
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    It was a good morning for raptors along Coyote Creek Trail north of Highway
    237 and east of the creek.  The dogs and I walked about a mile and a half
    north, then back.  Sightings included Turkey Vultures, several Red Tails, a
    very wet juvenile Red-shouldered hawk with a Common Raven perched about 6
    feet away and finishing off the hind quarters of some hapless bird, and an
    equally wet Cooper's Hawk with wings spread trying to dry while being
    harassed by about 2 dozen American Crows.  The most unusual sighting was an
    Osprey, first seen high in a dead cottonwood tree on the west side of the
    creek adjacent to the Cisco buildings.  It did not like being looked at and
    flew off to the west and north.  It was seen again about a half mile north
    perched lower in another dead cottonwood.  When it saw me looking at it, it
    flew off to the west on a path that might have taken it over the Riparian
    Station.  On the way back I spotted a Merlin and nearing the end of the walk
    was a Peregrine falcon sitting in the same tree where I first saw the
    In addition to the raptors, there were the usual host of crowned sparrows,
    House Finches, Black Phoebe's, Western Scrub Jays, Mockingbirds, Bushtits,
    European Starlings, Northern Flickers, and Mallards.  Also of note were an
    American Robin, a Lincoln's sparrow that did not mind being watched from
    very close up, and a Hermit Thrush, heard, but not seen.  Notable absences
    included Yellow-rumped Warblers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Chuck Woodrum
    Fremont, 94539

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