[EBB Sightings] Vesper Sparrow Winton Ave.

[EBB Sightings] Vesper Sparrow Winton Ave.

Wed Oct 22 09:46:20 PDT 2008
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    There was one Vesper Sparrow at Winton Ave. this afternoon at 3PM. From the parking lot, take the trail on the south edge of the canal. The bird popped up on the north edge of Mt. Trashmore (on your left as you are headed to the bay) in dry grass just as the trail was crossing to the north. I was able to get some quick back-lit photos to confirm the ID before the bird flew north over the canal to the grass on the other side. Another birder and I searched for the flock but were unable to locate it before I had to leave. 
    Pat Bacchetti 
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