[EBB Sightings] FWD: Loggerhead shrike Berkeley Mdw

[EBB Sightings] FWD: Loggerhead shrike Berkeley Mdw

judi sierra
Sat Oct 25 17:13:43 PDT 2008
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    This is a forward of a forward from the SFBayareabirding yahoo list.
    >From my birding partner, Kevin:
    I would like to report what I consider to be a very significant bird sighting.
    Over a 2-day period, I have made 3 separate sightings of a
    Loggerhead Shrike in he same location.
    These sightings were made On Monday Oct. 16th & Tuesday Oct. 17th at
    the Berkeley Meadow. Although possibilities exist, I believe it most likely
    that all 3 sightings were of the same bird. In my four years of birding, this
    is only the second Loggerhead Shrike I have ever seen, the other sighting being
    in San Joaquin Valley in 2006. I
    understand that Shrike numbers are declining dramatically.
    The Berkeley Meadow is a part of the Eastshore Park system, and is
    bordered by Hwy. 880, University Ave., Marina Blvd., and a body of water my
    birding partner and I call the Berkeley Lagoon. The lagoon encompasses Cesar
    Chavez Park as it flows into the S.F. Bay. For some
    time, this has been one of our favorite birding locations. From the meadow one
    can observe a variety of songbirds and raptors, including a resident pair of
    White-tailed Kites. A simple turn of the head towards the lagoon can reveal a
    wealth of both seasonal and resident shore and aquatic birds.
    A dirt road running east and west separates the meadow from the
    lagoon, and it was here that I first observed the Logger-head Shrike. It was
    perched atop a large, sturdy, dry bush from which it was hunting. For 5 minutes
    or so, I watched as it would swoop down into the
    grasses below, and then return to its perch.
    All the while a family of Brown Pelicans cruised the lagoon behind me,
    diving and splashing in their attempts to catch fish. The Loggerhead finally
    left its perch, and I moved on. As I was leaving the area to return to my car,
    I again spotted the Shrike perched in a tree, very close to Marina Blvd., and
    perhaps 200 yards from my first sighting.
    The Shrike paid me little mind as I approached within 20 ft.
    I returned the next day to the same area, and as I was watching the
    antics of a beautiful American Kestrel, I again
    saw the Logger-head Shrike. Both the Kestrel and the Shrike were perched atop a
    telephone line which runs the length of the afore mentioned dirt road. All
    three sightings of the Loggerhead Shrike were made from this dirt road. and
    within 200 yards of Marina Blvd.
    Other birds sighted at this location during this 2-day period
    House Finch
    Black Phoebe
    Mourning Dove
    American Crow
    Red-tailed Hawk
    Great Blue Heron
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Canada Goose
    Western Grebe
    Forsters Tern
    Western Sandpiper
    Spotted Sandpiper
    Black Turnstone
    Black-bellied Plover
    Marbled Godwit
    Lesser Yellowleg
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