[EBB Sightings] Heather Farm Birds

[EBB Sightings] Heather Farm Birds

Hugh Harvey
Sat Oct 25 11:39:35 PDT 2008
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    For the second day in a row, a Hermit Thrush was near the south end of the 
    mostly natural pond at Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek.
    A female Yellow-shafted Flicker was near the wooden railing eating berries 
    in a small tree.  Four Yellow-rumped Warblers were in and around the same 
    After continuously seeing 20 or more Killdeer on the north ball fields for 
    several weeks, this past week their numbers fell to as low as 7.  Yesterday, 
    though, I had 17.  This morning there were none.  Imagine my surprise when I 
    was near the entrance to the Seven Hills School and I heard Killdeer sounds. 
    I looked across the grasses of the 7 Hills Ranch and saw 13 Killdeer flying 
    in a circle before they re-landed in the grass.
    Though I saw a female Bufflehead in San Francisco's Crissey Lagoon this last 
    week, I have not seen any here yet.  We have a steady 12-15 Coots now and a 
    Double-crested Cormorant has been present for several days.
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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