[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump -- Saturday p.m.

[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump -- Saturday p.m.

Bob Power
Sat Aug 23 20:31:25 PDT 2008
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    Hi all:
    This afternoon at Frank's Dump Bob Brandriff and I had
    gorgeous views of shorebirds, none of which were
    Elegant Terns - 2  1 Adult and 1 Juvenile   Several on
    the abandoned posts at the end of San Lorenzo Cr.
    Caspian Terns - 9
    Red-necked Phalaropes - 25
    Wilson's Phalaropes -3
    The mid-day low tide was pretty high and the afternoon
    high tide was super high, as will be the case tomorrow
    in case anyone wants to see shorebirds on the
    mudflats. fyi
    When I initially id'd a Least Sandpiper as a Pectoral
    Sandpiper, it was indeed time to go.  You had to be
    there. Or not. I went straight to Kaiser to have them
    check my meds.
    A couple of digi-scoped images from today can be seen
    http://flickr.com/photos/14935921 at N00/
    Good birding
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    Frank's Dump is a wetland sink located along the bay
    trail between the Grant Ave and Winton Ave staging
    areas for Hayward Regional Shoreline. Quickest access
    is from Winton Ave by heading west to the Bay Trail
    and then turning north and going 1/2  a mile or so. 
    Frank's Dump is the large wetland area on the east
    side of the trail.

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