[EBB Sightings] Bairds SP, etc.

[EBB Sightings] Bairds SP, etc.

Robert Lewis
Tue Aug 12 15:25:42 PDT 2008
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    Sometimes it works like it's supposed to.
    Finally got a bit of time free and headed for Hayward Shoreline.  Looked for
    Bob Power's sandpiper.  Mirrored Dave Weber's experience -- no bird, walked
    out to shoreline, wandered about a bit, came back, and there it was, maybe
    50 yards out (north) from the second bright orange pipe cap located along
    the trail from the interpretive center.  Absolutely all alone - not another
    bird for 100 yards.
    Decided this was good, I should try for two, so took Alvarado / Niles road
    to the very end, walked down the trail to the creek, looked at the
    inflatable dam, watched the Spotted Sandpipers, looked down the creek maybe
    50', and there was the Little Blue Heron standing on a gravel bar.
    Thanks to all for such good instructions.  Added two to my
    bringing-up-the-rear total for Alameda County
    Bob Lewis

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