[EBB Sightings] Cull Canyon Bridge Bonanza

[EBB Sightings] Cull Canyon Bridge Bonanza

Sun May 11 10:24:26 PDT 2008
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    I stopped at Cull Canyon Regional Park on my way home from the Garin trip. (See note below re: "if you go".) I had never been there before and found that the footbridge a few feet from the parking lot was alive with song and activity even at 12:30 PM! In the space of 10 minutes, I heard and/or saw the following 13 species:
    warbling vireo (H)
    Wilson's warbler
    CA towhee
    spotted towhee
    song sparrow
    lesser goldfinch
    house finch
    mourning dove
    pacific-slope flycatcher (H)
    chestnut-backed chickadee
    dark-eyed junco
    black-headed grosbeak
    hairy woodpecker (with a bill FULL of bugs)
    A walk along the edge of the lake added these to the list:
    Allen's hummingbird
    Anna's hummingbird
    Canada goose
    black phoebe
    cliff swallow (dozens dipping into the perfect mud for home-building)
    red-shouldered hawk (H)
    common raven
    American robin
    great blue heron
    American goldfinch
    w. scrub jay
    n. mockingbird
    If you go, be warned that the swimming area opens May 24. In order to get to the swimming area, everyone must walk over said footbridge. There is no way to walk all the way around the lake, despite what the map indicates. I walked down the east side and ended up coming back the same way.
    A nice quickie stop for good birding...
    Anne Hoff

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