[EBB Sightings] More on Mines Road/Del Puerto Canyon birds May 3

[EBB Sightings] More on Mines Road/Del Puerto Canyon birds May 3

Dave Quady
Sun May 04 18:46:12 PDT 2008
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    To supplement Hugh Harvey's post to EBBirds from late yesterday . . . .
    At Murrieta's Well Winery yesterday , my Golden Gate Audubon Society  
    group also enjoyed a day-roosting Barn Owl.
    In San Antonio Valley, between yesterday's trip and my scouting on  
    Thursday I saw at least seven Lewis's Woodpeckers.  My most southerly  
    one was at the Lawrence's Goldfinch spot that Hugh mentioned; who  
    knows how many more birds were present between that spot and a point  
    about a mile and a half south of the junction, where I noted my next- 
    most-southerly bird.  Yesterday both Jean Richmond and Art Edwards  
    told me that 6-8 birds was the most they'd ever seen in the valley.   
    Here's hoping their numbers increase further.
    In Del Puerto Canyon, everyone in our group enjoyed a pair of  
    Lawrence's Goldfinches in Deer Creek Campground, working between the  
    riparian strip and nearby gray pines.   Lower in the canyon, a bit  
    east of owl rock, one of our sharp-eyed participants picked out a  
    male Blue Grosbeak just uphill (to the south) from where we also saw  
    a male Costa's Hummingbird.  At the usual Canyon Wren spot, a Rufous- 
    crowned Sparrow sang unbidden, and made itself visible, before a  
    Canyon Wren belatedly responded to tape and obliged in the same way.   
    Surprises for me during the day included two Olive-sided Flycatchers  
    along Mines Road -- one in Alameda County (also seen by the MDAS  
    folks), and another in Santa Clara County, about a half-mile south of  
    the summit.  A Steller's Jay in the riparian strip behind the old  
    Branding Iron Cafe was also a spring-time first for me along this  
    route, as was the Band-tailed Pigeon noted by MDAS folks at the corral.
    After dark, a few hardy folks joined me to search for night birds.   
    We heard single Common Poorwills in upper Del Puerto Canyon (about PM  
    19.5) and in Alameda County (about mp 9 on MInes Road).  Around PM  
    20-21 in DPC I was able to spotlight a responsive Western Screech- 
    Owl.  And at the Alameda/Santa Clara County line on Mines Road my  
    tape induced a Northern Saw-whet Owl to sing, concluding a long, but  
    satisfying, four-owl day.
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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